Tuesday, March 14, 2006

BEST Disabled

The fat middle-aged lady
With the fat voice,
Discards the old man like a match box,
To the 'disabled' seat
On the bus.
She thrusts herself forward
Towards the EXIT,
With a lavish dose of insults.
The old man retreats further
Into introspection.
Slinking into the corner of the seat
Apologising for his existence.


Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Nicole I love this I can see it so vividly. Particularly the fat voice

Mriganayanii said...

Hi nicole,
this is beautiful

"..retreats further
Into introspection..Apologising for his existence"

There's so much sadness in that face i see, sadness nurtured and bred by a society's intolerance.

Poignant. very.


Ashish Gorde said...

It's the last line that holds the poem together. Very sensitive piece and very touching.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

fat voice?

Shubhodeep said...

the poem is absolutely beautiful. sorry for being dumber than usual, but i still couldn't quite get the meaning; perhaps a reading more would do the trick. nice lines, all the same!
and may i make so bold as to invite Her Highness over again to my blog!
(her commitments, notwithstanding)

Prmod Bafna said...

Very neatly written!! I'm curious.. is it got something to do with the "BEST" buses? Perhaps a scene from a bus ride?!?

Russell Ragsdale said...

Beautiful (the poem not the scene). Stirring and vivid, this is one of your lyrical best. Well done, my friend.

Neets said...

welcome back dear. very visual you could almost see the old man shrink in a corner. beautiful poem

Pat Paulk said...

Excellent poem Nicole!!!

Anonymous said...

The end makes this poem powerful. Well written.

Nicole Braganza said...

Sue-> A poem that is an image - that is my new fascination!

nayan-> Nice to see you back here.

Ashish-> Hey...thank you and see you around here more often hopefully!

CJ-> thanks

Shubho-> This is just to show how the needs of the old/disabled/underpriveleged are often not recognized in big cities where people are becoming more individualistic day by day. This is a scene (and not an uncommon one) set on a bus in Bombay, hence BEST!

prmod-> yes

russel-> thanks very much.

neets-> Im delighted at the different aspects of the poem that has caught everyones attention.

pat- thanks and come again

Aurora-> Visited your blog too. Like your work.

Sameer said...

Dropped in here after quite some time...
I must say not much has changed.It's the same old NB producing the smae class stuff.
Keep it up is all I will say (Sometimes I do run out of words)

Nicole Braganza said...

I think you are a good writer from what I read on your blog and thank you for the analogy - I saw it pretty much the same way.