Sunday, August 13, 2006

Loneliness is a shadow, a reflection of the inner pathos.

Loneliness shies away from the light, because light recognizes loneliness.

Loneliness is an untold secret that belongs to no one.

Loneliness is the darkest night that never ends.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

kind of dark for you hon. hope you are OK?

Russell Ragsdale said...

It is good to be funny, it is good to be serious, and it is good to be loved, You are all of those things as you wish to be them.

Anonymous said...

hey nickle, u shda read it out to us in class when kanoria asked us to write it. i'm all ashamed of my naive writing skills. and u must be kiddin bout me blogging. For me, there's "miles to go before i write"...Maybe, someday, someday soon:-)

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

luckily there is always blogger to keep you company.

I like the second stanza it says more than it seems to if that makes sense.

Shubhodeep said...

umm...sorry for the long hitaus....guess this is a bit strange coming from u..but then again shows what a genius u are....keep writing!!

Ekta said...

*Loneliness is the darkest night that never ends.*

Ur bang on..somehow it just never seems to end

junat said...

lonliness is the medium to build inner-strength , a self realization that i dont need anyone to move ahead in life...

Anonymous said...

Loneliness is being sick and having no one to pamper you

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Are you ok?

gulnaz said...

how are you

Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi Nicole. Just thinking about you, wondering how you're doing and wanted to say hi!

Nicole Braganza said...

CJ -> Yes I am OK. Thank you :)
Just very busy and haven't done any writing.

Russell-> Hi! I'm good. How are you?

Bush-> I am not kidding about you blogging. The poem you wrote was so poignant!

Sue -> This was the product of a writing exercise in class. Though you're right, blogger is great company! Yes, I'm ok. Thanks

Shubho -> a mixed up sort of person eh?

ekta -> hope you never have to be there.

paddy-> Interesting perspective. Wish we could always see the positives.

anon-> So true!

Gulnaz-> What a great surprise. SO GLAD you're back. Missed you and your writing.