Monday, June 05, 2006

The Sense That Smells Trouble

There was an awful girl we knew,
She was a mighty pain,
Forever turning up her nose
At us in such disdain.
She'd a nose that could smell touble,
For it smelled all kinds of dirt,
Until one day she found a foul smell
Right beneath her shirt.
She held her breath with mighty strength,
Till she grew pale and grey.
But no amount of deoderant,
Would send the smell away.
She washed and bathed, scrubbed her skin
Till it turned wrinkly pink,
But nothing that she tried to do
Would rid her of the stink!
And so be smelly, dont be proud
That you can smell so well
Share the smells of all the smellies
Or things won't turn out well!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

HELP! My blog has disappeared!