Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Alcoholic

By self-consciousness
Wasting dignity
With every drop
Of the drink
Losing face
Losing love
Life is a stumble
By the reeking
Stench of piss


Anonymous said...

as always i love yer work, keep it up girl......

Shubhodeep said...

rocking. i loved this one.

Sameer said...

Telling words...
Having observed quite a few alcoholics from close corners , I agree with every word written here.I wonder when are people going to realise that alcohol is perhaps the only vice that consumes your family/friends as much as you.
Keep it up...

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Not to heap faint or false praise upon you. i wouldn't do that but everytime i come here you have tried yet again something new. more than anything else i like the preson who, like me, doesn't want to be atgged, bagged or neatly catalogued.
a meaty poem that pairs the stark truth down to the bone.

Roger Stevens said...

A very good poem, good ending.

Does anyone enjoy reading the typing miskates people put in their comments?

Where are the close corners? Nice idea. And who wants to be atgged and what is a preson?

Keep up the good work, Nicole!

Nicole Braganza said...

Anonymous-> As I love yer work as much! And write me one of your crazy mails will ya?

Shubhodeep-> Thanks, shubho. I'm still baffled as to what makes you tick!

Sameer-> I think nobody realises until alcohol consumes them.

CJ-> thanks for the encouragement.

Roger-> The defaulters will be excused - just this once! Next time - DETENTION! :)
oh, and thanks roger. I am so glad you liked the poem.