Friday, October 07, 2005

The Last Leaf

As the leaves take on the autumnal hues,
Ushering in the fall, the end of year,
The red and gold it seeks my inner eye,
Until my soul fills with a quaint nostalgia.
My heart gives of a part, with the winds of change,
Now I surrender all to winter's blues.


Sameer said...
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Sameer said...

Really beautiful words..
I read this about thrice but am not sure I interpreted it in the right manner.I am a bit confused about what it is exactly supposed to mean; will comment again once I make up my mind.
Anyways, good going!!

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

What a beautiful poem,really visual cafully woven. Hope you're OK with all the earthquakes, scary stuff

aa said...

It's so poignant I could almost hear the leaves turn into saffron colors.

bablu said...

Well said Miss Braganza.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

staggering words Nicole. you are taking giant leaps forward.

Shubhodeep said...

'Now I surrender all to winter's blues'
nice line...
I didn't quite get 'my heart gives of a part'
Nice, short one! somehow i got a feeling that there was something amiss, though i can't say what.
(btw, u didn't reply to my last comment) []

Paul said...

The hues of the blues,
The nostalgia of the nose,
In autumn's frost
Or winter's cold;
It quakes my heart,
It quacks my duck,
It splits like quarks:
That's just my luck.

Sorry, I was just riffing...

La Louve said...

lovely poem! could breathe the autumn in it

Nicole Braganza said...

Sameer-> Cant wait to know what you come up with....

Sue-> Thanks. Im fine...

freespirit-> That was a beautiful comment. Thanks

Bablu-> Miss Braganza?? NOOOO!!! I sound like the villains girlfriend right out of a Bollywood movie!!

CJ-> :)

Shubho-> Contemplate!

Paul-> :D Oh! I liked that, I did. All the best poetry is spontaneous!

wbix-> Now Im nostalgic for the autumn that I have never known, except the one that sweeps over me in slumber!

Pincushion said...

Ahhh autumn! my fav season! and 'surrender' evokes all manner of emotions, especially when related to winter..very philosophical this!
Liked it very much :))