Monday, November 21, 2005


This is beautiful and so true. Does anyone know who wrote this?

Don't walk behind me I may not lead

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow

Just walk beside me, and be my friend.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

Nope, never read it before but it is very good isn't it?

Shubhodeep said...

no, haven't come across it. but it's very nice. how did u come across it?

Pincushion said...

WoW! How wonderful to read this! My lovely hubby had given a card printed with this very message to me on our first wedding anniv, 14 years ago!!
How wonderful to be reminded of it!
Thank you for this! thank you dear dear Nicole!

Naveen said...

I have read this somewhere before..But oops, i dont remember who wrote this! :(

cantellya said...

It IS quite heartfelt, though I'm afraid I've never heard it before, either.

Pecos Blue said...

I have heard it and cannot remember but will get back to you if I can think of it.

Shubhodeep said...

got it: it's attributed to a certain Albert Camus.

Sameer said...

Yup, it is Albert Camus...
Beautiful words, beautiful meaning & a very well-framed expression.
Looking forward to some of your original ditties....

Nicole Braganza said...

CJ-> It is indeed!

Shubho-> Saw it written on a writing pad.

Pins-> That is so sweet!

Naveen-> Albert Camus, as Shubho has kindly told us.

Cantellya-> :)

Pecos-> Thank you for trying

Shubho, Sameer->Thanks dude.