Monday, June 20, 2005


Through rose tinted glasses
She has seen the world
She is a plastic piece,
Nothing penetrates the surface
Aqua-emotions escape her
In fleeting moments of boisterous show
The spectacle of materialism


gulnaz said...

reminds meof that song by acqua and mallrats

you are a special girl

jac said...

Another one !!!

Sameer said...

Wise piece of observation!!!
For a change, I am keeping the comment short ;)

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Good poem-Statistically Barbie's feet are too small to counterbalence her breasts. It's a shame they don't make dolls that look like real humans-no wonder they call it plastic surgery.

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

I want to link your blog, hope you don't mind

Mriganayanii said...

yeah, i often feel that it's got to be true. (the line from anne frank, i mean). so beautiful...

lol,Barbie- it's amazing how this plaything has evolved into a symbol that stands for outrage towards a world that demands insane levels of superficiality from you just because you happen to possess a vagina...

So how's college treating you?

Nicole Braganza said...

Gulnaz-> You're just too nice to me! Love you :)

Jac-> Hi! Yes and more to come...

Sameer-> Short and sweet, yes. But I do enjoy reading your longer responses too. Hope you know that.

Sue-> Great observation and I agree. Please do go ahead and link to my blog. The more the merrier :)

Nayan-> Very interesting comment. College is wonderful. Hectic but great.