Friday, June 03, 2005

Frankie The Fantastic Fowl

(The Animal Hero)

Frankie was a bird so scared,
As I have never seen.
His feathers were always ruffled,
Though he tried to keep them preened.
And all the chickens in the coop,
They gave him quite a lickin',
The cocks around all chuckled
Saying, "Frankie's such a CHICKEN"
When they played at chicken race,
They cackled, fought and howled.
And when old Frankie won a game,
The chickens shouted "FOWL".
Yet though poor Frankie thought by now,
He wasn't worth a CLUCK,
We must confess that he was blessed
With a grand leg of luck!
For when the chicks heard "KFC",
They almost nearly died,
As Frankie fled, the chicken shed,
The rest of them were fried!


Sameer said...

You are on a roll, girl!!
Keep it up.BTW, the guy you saw in my blog doesn't belong to Rai University & has never been to K'Scope. Guesst this just goes to prove a theory I had read about long back that everyone of us has atleast 7 look-alikes on Planet Earth.

Pincushion said...

..and heres one Fantastic poem..and its not foul either ;)..Grrrl you are at a zenith right now..and am enjoyin it so much!

Shubhodeep said...

nice poem...fairly amusing...whats this stuff about goldilocks been done already? i didn't know R.D. wrote such poems. Could you send me some?

Nicole Braganza said...

Sameer-> Noooo...I'm unique, I swear. I shall destroy any clone/look-alike I may have! Grrr...

Pins-> I'm beginning to think the overuse of not so subtle puns in this poem has made it sound rather corny!

Shubhodeep-> Yeah, not my best I know!! Cant hit a 6 everytime eh? ;) I'll definitely send you the Goldilocks poem - its damn funny! Theres a Red Riding Hood and 3 Little Pigs one too! :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha. Funny stuff!! :)
Gosh, u're a sophia's studnt!!
I used to study at xavs.
I love ur campus tho'....

Russell CJ Duffy said...

you are on top form and so funny. i really enjoyed this one.

Nicole Braganza said...

Aisha-> Yuppers, I study at the pink palace! So when did you gradutate from Xaviers??

CJ->Cock a doodle doooo..thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is great! You should do a few more and compile a children's book.

gulnaz said...

so cute! :)
neels right do a baby book! :)

Nicole Braganza said...

Neel-> Yeah, maybe someday. I can dream at least ;) Writing childrens poems are so fun!

Gulnaz-> I can see you are totally in the baby mood!! Lucky lucky, you.

Crunchy Weta said...

Thank the hen
For your feather pen
And the octopus for ink
Your poem's really funny
Is what this old dog think.

ozymandiaz said...

An absolutely enjoyable read. Great play with words. Really good rhythme also.