Monday, May 09, 2005

For The Love Of....!?!

Parents have a knack of saying all the wrong things at the wrong time. It is an unwritten rule that every mother must embarrass her child (with all good intention) at every golden opportunity. At some point, you will realize that you are never going to win this battle, as mothers so adore their precious little darlings. They truly believe that the world is privileged to have their little genius. So all you can do is cross your fingers, toes and eyes and hope that these occasions of heart and soul-bearing are few and far between.

Somehow luck isn’t very kind, and there is always that wonderful opportunity to brag about how beta sat at the table in pampers and walloped 12 chapattis at one go. Most likely, the other equally ambitious mother will dismiss it, saying that her kid could put down 24 at the age of four (exaggeration only proves a stronger point). The point being…..this silly exchange is not as silly as you think! It is a perfect way to boast about their perfect children and is also a compliment to their cooking skills. Mummies are smart people. Another thing that most mamas are particularly proud of is their children’s in-born musical abilities (never mind if they sound like frogs). So they bring out that old dusty tape that you'd forgotten had even existed, of that concert where you were singing "My Favourite Things" while the judges and everybody else was cringing.

Baby days, tweens, teens and finally….you’re all grown up! But what have you really learnt in life? Most importantly, that there are enough of people who care so much about you so as to literally advertise the fact that you are the biggest embarrassment to yourself and to the entire concept of the “human”!
Perhaps, I have confirmed that you are in a no-win situation. But then again, maybe the only ultimate solution is to have kids of your own. It’s a vicious circle baby; I assure you that their grandparents will spare no opportunity to shower the “love and praises" on the NEXT generation.


Skrambled Egghead Reborn said...

Hello there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading some of the posts on your blog just now. You're a wonderful writer. Cheers!

Shubhodeep said...

nice article...enjoyed two of your poems on fresh lime soda...were excellent...good work!...what's f.l.s. about?

Nicole Braganza said...

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed my writing.

Shubhodeep - FLS is a site where anyone can submit poetry, articles, book reviews etc...Hasn't been updated for a while, unfortunately! Check out Rohan Deuskar's column "Me on a Good Day" - Excellent!

J said...

hey nicole, thanks for dropping by, i like wot i read!

And i cudnt agree with u more on the mummy factor :)

Nicole Braganza said...

J - looks like it IS the common factor with mummies! :)

BBCD said...

Hey great post, i really hope that my parents are still around to see my kids.

it my be embarressing at the time, but parents and the love they give us are the biggest blessing.

Nicole Braganza said...

BBCD - Without a doubt!