Saturday, May 21, 2005


Sweety bar and past midnight,
She throws herself to the neon lights,
It’s not a job, this is her living
Losing herself in this soul giving.
Seductively, she will allure
A sleazy beast to buy this whore,
Not for love, but for the money
For one night, become his honey.
A one night stand, used and abused
A 100 bucks and AIDS infused,
A last resort to make ends meet,
Up for the money, slave of the streets.


gulnaz said...

somehow it makes me even sadder to see an 18 year old write about this.

Misreflection said...

Everything in life is a commoditity. But selling your soul must be the lowest a person can succumb to , sad,
well written..

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole. I saw your comments on Eden's site and had to check out your site and see where you live. My students are about your age.
Warm regard,

Nicole Braganza said...

Gulnaz -> Im sorry, I seem to be depressing you with my writing :(

Misreflection -> and perhaps the greatest sacrifice...

Bluefrog -> Well, I am studying in India and come back for the holidays to the UAE. Just checked out your blog too, John. Very nice. Do visit again :)

Shubhodeep said...

agree with gulnaz...but don't really feel that this is actually the greatest sacrifice...nope, different reasons compel people to turn prostitutes...some are allured, and some as you no doubt must have read , adopt this profession on a part-time basis to earn "extra income", and for some this is a family tradition...most don't even regret having entered again as a news report pointed out...except for a select few for whom it is indeed very tragic, I don't agree that it involves the 'greatest sacrifice', but it is truly really very sad and tragic that such a large fraction of the population lies to waste in this fashion. Sorry for being critical (or sceptic) but this one again 'borders on social commentary'. Or perhaps you could explain.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to echo gulnaz's comment...but it does not depress me that you wrote about such a 'sad' topic...on the other hand it is reassuring in a way to know that you are aware of such things and can write such a poignant piece about it...liked the way you rhymed it...simple but very very effective...

...and thank you for dropping is a pleasure to read your work...

Nicole Braganza said...

Shubhodeep -> I will have to agree with you there. Yes, I am aware that there are a great many who engage in prostitution and not always out of necessity. Also I just dont understand how some do it just for a few extra bucks. Thanks again for your comment and criticism. Always, appreciated. :)

Anil - Thanks, do visit again!

Shubhodeep said...

glad you agree...check out the new short story on my blog(not the myst.) at

. : A : . said...

"Losing herself in this soul giving"

This was a very powerful line. Well written.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

it makes you womder doesn't it would any of us do such a thing like sell our bodies for cash and run the risk of getting aids IF we had no money for food. i think i know the answer already.
honest and true?

Roger Stevens said...

Nice poem, Nicole. Well, not nice in subject matter - just nicely written.

bablu said...

Pardon me for taking a totally different view on this topic. Well just imagine how many desperate guys would be on the roads attacking woman if not for this prostitutes satisfying thier need. As it is the rape rate in India is very high.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

nothing wrong with prostitution if the women involved want to do it and haven't GOT to do it because they are so desperate for money and food.

and of course you are a male and as such must recognise the weakness and falibity of men. if males in india are raping women on the road sides then someone in authority should damn well do something about it.

Nicole Braganza said...

Roger - thanks...i hope you will continue to visit.

Bablu - So do you think that "prostitution" is justified as a "means of living"? What I find disgusting is that the police themselves endorse it, in order to satisfy "their" sexual needs.

CJ -> Thank you for that. It is always reassuring to know that there are still people who care about and understand the issues that plague our society.

Anonymous said...

but yknow what nicole... prostitution is a legal occupation. just because some of us find it "disgusting" dont make it so. the troble begins though when girls are forced into it and are never given the option of leaving. That is disgusting.
There's a lotta women who do it out of free choice. WHo exactly are we to judge 'em?